gett taxi clone

Time is money a very old yet true quote. This goes especially true when thinking about the busy generation of today. For them every minute counts which in turn goes on to state that they need services that are fast in nature like ridesharing apps. 

These apps ensure and guarantee quick ride services through the support of verified as well as licensed drivers thereby helping the drivers to earn a good deal of money through the rides they offer and to the ridesharing industry in turn to build a strong rider base as well along the way. 

gett like app

If you visit the Google Play Store or iOS App Store of your respective smartphone or iPhone device you would then come across many apps that in turn accelerate the ridesharing services. We will however talk here in detail about the Gett taxi app and its success story. 

Here’s about the app in detail below. 

All about Gett

Launched in 2010 Gett connects riders mostly the corporate riders living in the UK with unique ride experiences through ride modes like taxis, chauffeurs as well as limousines. 

With very easy operations the gett like app helps the rider at a few taps. Get connected to rides at extremely convenient prices from extremely trained as well as licensed drivers who in turn ensure the full safety and security of the rider. 

Thanks to the same it has in turn enticed and attracted the attention of new ridesharing industry owners to build apps such as the Gett taxi clone

So what goes behind the success of this app? Here’s discussing the same below. 

Success Story of Gett

Innumerable Ride Kinds

The app presents riders to innumerable ride kinds thereby helping and supporting the rider get as well as receive unique ride experiences. 

Streamlines Tasks for Drivers

Gett supports the drivers in streamlining their tasks with considerable ease as well as swiftness both at the same time. Thus earning a good amount of money along the way. 

Fleet Management for Ridesharing Industry

The ride sharing industry gets support through the app to manage their fleet in an overall smooth manner. Thereupon through the same work and operate in a rather smooth manner. 

All these factors the Gett business model was able to attract the attention of new ridesharing industry owners. Thus, encouraging them to build apps similar to the same that is to say the Gett and make revenues. 

However it is important to follow some important strategies when building the app to accelerate revenues.

Tactics to follow when Building a Ridesharing App similar to Gett

  1. Incorporate a large number of ride kinds so that you provide and offer your riders with a unique ride experience. 
  2. Find the features that if incorporated will help the corporate riders and most importantly the drivers in their daily tasks. 
  3. Locate the platform where you will be able to locate maximum riders and thereupon launch your app on that platform
  4. Find the business model that will support your ridesharing startup to make profits. Along with increasing your popularity as well at the same time. 

So ensure to follow these strategies when building a ridesharing app for your new ridesharing startup. Write the success and profit story from Day 1 and deliver unique ride experiences as well at the same time. 

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.