medicine delivery app

On Demand Pharmacy Delivery with the Pharmacy Delivery App has become the need of the hour. As the Corona Virus Pandemic is determined to wreak havoc on the world, the people need easy access to their regular medicines with the help of the delivery option. Many entrepreneurs are turning to the delivery business as their best bet to stay afloat during this economic crisis. 

Building an application might seem like a wonderful prospect, but it is also something that can be challenging to cope with. If you are a non technical person who has focused only on the operational part of the business, building your own on demand pharmacy delivery app can be a challenge that you may not be prepared for. 

pharmacy delivery app

But don’t you worry! We’ve got it cover. The best brains in our team have put together a manual on how you can get your own app afloat easily. So let’s get cracking!

Knowing your app

Our experts say that the idea of having your own app may seem simple, but it is not until you have a complete idea of everything that is involved in the application that you will be able to truly appreciate the complexity of the app. 

The first step to do that is to know your app and all the components that make it up. For a Pharmacy delivery app, there are the following components:

  1. User Android/iOS App
  2. User Web Panel
  3. Delivery Driver Android/iOS App
  4. Delivery Driver Web Panel
  5. Store Web Panel
  6. Admin Web Panel
  7. App Website

Usually, people don’t know about the many components that are a part of this app, so they assume that it is a single unit, so they believe it won’t take a lot of time or money to build it. However, knowing exactly how much goes into making your app, you will be able to appreciate the complexity of it. 

Reach out to a White Label Company

Typically, building an app might not be the strongest suit for a company that is focus on it services rather than the technical aspect. Getting your app developed by a developer may seem like a good option initially, but when you put into perspective the number of components that are involved, you will understand that it is not a cup of tea for a single developer. 

So, initially you may hire one person, but you will end up having to hire more people are their expertise will be limited. However, in case a single developer promises you the moon to be able to develop the whole app, they will probably not be an expert in all the domains, and therefore give you a half baked app. 

Therefore, it is best to hire a white label company. They typically have a whole team of experts ranging from experienced iOS developers to Android geniuses. They give you a full-fledged app by employing their entire team to your project.

Also, since they have the team ready to get cracking, you won’t even have to spend any money on the infrastructure and technology to build the app. Look into a reliable company, and speak to them about your project so that they can give you details about the timelines and the budget. 

Get a Ready Made app

If you plan to create an app from scratch it may take a lot of time and copious amounts of hard work with your intervention at regular intervals. With the time spent on building the app and the introduction of new resources at every step, you may have to spend a lot of money on it without ever getting a chance to manage your finances. 

The other major issue with building a new app is that it is not test on hundreds of thousands of customers. In case there are any issues in the app or a glitch, you won’t be able to realize it before it’s too late. 

All these problems can be sorted if you get a readymade app, all these problems can be sorted. Since the app is pre built, it should hardly take about a week’s time to make it launch ready. What’s more, the developing company will already have experience in launching apps of a similar kind and therefore have a feedback from hundreds of people. Over time, they perfect the app with the reviews and the feedback so that by the time you buy the app, it is absolutely perfect. 

Take a Demo

It is understandable that you will be excited about your new on demand business and your new application. Most entrepreneurs are so excited that they forget taking a trial run with the application before actually launching it in the market for the people.

Please understand that once your app is roll out in the market, there is no way you can retrieve it without harming your brand. Your initial wave of promotion and marketing will ensure that many people download the application. However, if they get to using it and don’t like it much, you’ll get a bad reputation forever. 

Even if you do end up making the app right, no one will simply take your word for it. Especially, now that the market for pharmacy delivery is so hot, more and more entrepreneurs are jumping on this opportunity. This means that people will find any excuse to switch to your competitors. 

Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you take a live demo of the app AFTER your logo and brand name have been added to it. You will be able to see if the logo is visible in the right place, if the idle screens are correctly design, if there is some navigational issue or so on and so forth.


To wrap things up, it may be really easy to DIY your way through building an app provided you have full and complete knowledge of exactly what you have to do. It is also pertinent to understand that DIY doesn’t mean that you have to crawl through the bowels of coding just because you though you wanted to do the whole thing individually. 

Sometimes, it is wiser to make sure that you get the right resources at the right time. To this effect you have to be absolutely sure that you get your app from a reliable resource such as a white labeled on demand pharmacy delivery app developer. 

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.