
Whether you are a college student, a working professional, or a proud woman who is handling everything related to the family while being at home, it makes sense to compliment your style and personality this festival season with oxidized Indian jewelry. Remember that there is nothing more versatile and eye-appealing than good old oxidised jewelry. In the modern days, the trend to buy oxidised jewellery online is gaining popularity, owing to the ultimate benefit it offers to its users. And the best part is that it is suitable for every woman’s style, regardless of the age group.

With a wide range of brilliant designs to choose from, there is no way you can go wrong with oxidised jewelry in your collection. Here is a blog that will discuss all about this jewelry and you should buy oxidised jewellery online.

Oxidised jewelry: A backdrop

Not many people are aware of the oxidised jewelry. This is basically blackened sterling silver metal. The black appearance of the jewelry is achieved by exposing the metal to an intricate chemical process. The whole term to achieve this appearance on the metal is technically termed “patina”. When the metal jewelry is chemically treated with sulphides, a thin layer of patina forms on the surface of the metal. It is not a simple process and needs to be performed only by specialists in the field to provide beautiful hues like blues and purples, instead of blackish surface color.

The process of blackening silver metal was first introduced in 1100 AD, and was first used for filtering out impurities from a metal. If you do not know, the metals in ancient times were used for utilitarian purposes. It was not quite late when some creative brains introduced metal ornaments like necklace pieces, earrings, rings, and bracelets. It was first introduced in the indigenous tribal belts of India.

The Process of Making Oxidised Pieces

If you have been wearing Afghani oxidised jewellery for a long time, you would have, at least, once thought about how this kind of jewelry is made. Well, talking about the methods used for the manufacturing of this kind of jewelry, it’s performed using two different methods.

The most common one is the process where the silver metal is exposed to sulphides. This helps create a blackened layer on its surface. The other process is to use hydrochloric acid as the agent of oxidation. It is a fact that the second process to create oxidised jewelry is very easy and quick, but it is a rather hazardous process, and should be in accordance with proper safety guidelines.

Reasons To Add Oxidised Jewelry To Your Collection


One of the most amazing reasons to add oxidised jewelery to your collection is that this is absolutely pocket-friendly. Instead of buying jewelry made from precious metals like gold, buying oxidised jewelry makes sense, especially when you are not the type of person who keeps wearing the same things on different occasions. You can collect a whole wide range of oxidised jewelry easily online as well as in your local market. The price range for this kind of jewelry can start at as low as Rs. 500. You can also get your hands on something a little premier at a relatively higher cost. Jus imagine how much you can buy at the cost of a gold ring?


If you are a person with a great personality and would like to show your style in different occasions and events with amazing jewelry, then buying oxidized jewelry online can be the right choice as versatility is a big reason for their staggering popularity. Whether you want to look your best in the office or need to get ready for a traditional event with your loved ones, these beauties are there to make you look glamorous at any time of the day. And the best part is that you can easily team it up with your casual or traditional wear, and create a fun and trendy statement look.


Do you get easily bored with the same kind of jewelry in your collection, which is why you keep buying something new? If yes, then you would like to get your hands on the oxidized Indian jewelry, which is available in a wide range of innovative and colorful designs. There are endless options to buy such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, etc. at a relatively low cost, these oxidized Indian jewelry options can brighten up your look for the day, in an instant.


If you have a collection of silver and gold jewelry, you would already know that maintenance of these jewelry items can be very costly. Even a single–time wash would cost 100s. But it’s not a matter when you go with antique Indian silver jewelry as they are very easy to maintain and clean than any of your regular gold jewelry. You can simply use a clean cloth to clean them and they’ll look like new again.


The oxidised jewelry trend is one of the most popular these days, offering the modern women an option to get ready for an array of events or occasions. Buying antique Indian silver jewelery is the best way to add some edge to your look without going overboard and spending fortunes on real gold jewelry. And the best thing is that you can buy form a range of options like oxidised silver anklets, thread anklets, layered necklace, thread necklace, oxidised silver rings, oxidised silver bangles, oxidised silver Toe Rings, etc.

Whether you want to amp up your style in office or simply want to get ready for a special moment investing in oxidised silver jewelry can be the right choice you can make as this kind of jewelry is affordable as well as available in a wide range of designs and styles. Make sure to do your research before you reach the final decision about investing in the jewelry.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.