uber clone app

It takes only a gist to get an idea of what might become a successful business. However, establishing that business may take years. If you already own a taxi business, you know what I’m talking about. It might have taken you years to get hold of the market in your area but when the Pandemic occurred, everything crashed. Surviving all, your business is now back on track but do you ever wish you could get life insurance for it? In 2022, the best way to secure your business is to get it online by offering your services via a website or a mobile app such as Uber Clone App.  


Uber-like taxi app is similar to the original Uber app, but only it is more user-friendly, optimized, and affordable to build! If you have booked a taxi before using uber or as a matter of fact, any taxi booking app, you’ll relate to it. 

With this app, your customers can easily book a taxi ride from x location to y within the same city. This on-the-go taxi booking mobile application will come in handy even when your customers would want to schedule their ride because the app includes the feature of ‘Book Later’. 

Besides booking a taxi ride, the app also allows its customers to book a rental taxi with a driver or use a carpool to save some bucks while commuting!


There are many benefits of getting your taxi business an online platform but, let’s leave the discussion about benefits for some other day. Instead, let me tell you how to save your hard-earned money and precious time while you get the app developed. 

Clone scripts are a big-time money saver 

What’s you take with the money that is spent on developing an app from scratch? Thousands of dollars? You guessed it wrong. Building a mobile app for the taxi business easily takes up USD250,000. The amount of investment is too high because: 

  • It involves renting or buying office premises. 
  • Money will be spent on hiring and retaining skilled IT professionals who’ll draw a six-figure salary every month. Plus, you’ll have to pay for their Provident Fund, insurance, bonus, etc.  
  • You’ll have to purchase expensive software licenses, tools, and even gadgets to facilitate a smooth app development process. 
  • You might also incur an ongoing cost such as repair or maintenance of the electronic assets and other such things. 

So, why go the hard way when you could just get an Uber Clone Script and get it rebranded at just a bite-sized cost as compared to USD250,000. 

Save your precious time 

Building the app from the ground up will take years as it includes:

  • Designing the app 
  • Building a prototype 
  • Perfecting the prototype and coding it into a fully-functional app 
  • Beta-testing the app for six months 
  • Finally, market-testing the app for at least a year before launching them

All this will easily take you 7 – 8 years of your precious lifetime. So, what’s the best way? Find a globally-reputed taxi booking app development company and get your uber-like clone app rebranded in just 7 – 10 business days. Yes! That’s all the time white-labeling experts need to replace their identity with your company’s name and logo on their base app. They will also change the color theme of your app and website to match the palette of your logo.


Isn’t opting for a pre-built, mature, and fully-functional, highly-optimized solution the best way to save time and money? It definitely is. So, I’ll recommend you to get this app today from a well-established white-labeling firm that has been in the industry for almost a decade now. Adding cherry on the top, if the firm has already developed and launched over 1200 apps already, you know they have the best taxi booking app solution in the market! 

Get the app today!

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of Appclonescript.com, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.